We purchased this property in 2021 from Dayna’s parents. Going back to the 80’s and before, it was used for peanut production since the soil is so sandy. After the peanut production stopped, the land was neglected and became overgrown with sand burs, sunflowers, bull nettle, and seemingly every other weed in existence. As a result, the area we established for lavender plants and vegetables, has recently become completely overgrown with sand burs.
Sand burs do not like fertile soil. I believe this is the key to creating a healthy environment for our plants and reducing the pressure from them. The use of mesh weed barrier is helping to catch the sand bur seeds that fall to the ground. Sand burs can survive for many years (depending on who you ask) so keeping them out of the soil is key. The weed barrier also blocks new weeds from growing. This is another important step to help conquer the pesky sand burs and a method that will continue in the future.
I’ll post another update once I clean up the garden area. Coming up…the pumpkins are started and will be transplanted soon!
Here is the mesh weed barrier we use (Amazon link): https://a.co/d/cxa8Nia

Next Steps:
- Begin a fertilization program
- Pull existing weeds
- Remove seeds on the plastic mulch (will try a shop vac first)
- Mow the surrounding fields and areas planting areas regularly with zero-turn to keep weeds from growing and spreading